Bag design usually involves many sleepless nights. Brain filled ideas, tossing and turning thinking about attachment systems, how to solve impossible seams, all the exciting stuff. But our newest bag started with a different kind of sleepless night… Read on to hear the story of Harry’s first mini messenger.

When Harry and I decided to move back to the UK, we opted to take the long way. After a month riding the North Island section of the Tour Aotearoa, we flew to Australia for a month in Tasmania, popped into Melbourne to see our old friends, then we flew to Casablanca and rode through Morocco, Spain and Portugal, before heading on to London.

Somewhere in Spain, both our sleeping mats failed at the seams and what followed was not a lot of sleep on our slowly deflating mattresses.

We’ve all been there – the heaviest parts of your body sinking first before a brief period being uncomfortably cradled by the last of the air until finally shoulder or hip touches down onto solid ground. A lot of sleeping bag swishing, a little reinflate and then repeat the process.

This went on for the rest of our trip, about five weeks, until we got back to the UK and could receive our replacement mats. Instead of throwing away our faulty mats, Harry thought, as he often does, that would make a great bag.

They were stashed away, as things often are, for many months until inspiration struck. Almost two years later, Harry decided the bag that would be born from the remnants of our mats.

Instead of throwing away our faulty mats, Harry thought, as he often does; "that would make a great bag!"

The idea was to make an off the bike bag, big enough for the things important to a day adventure, phone, keys, wallet, umbrella, a snack, sunglasses etc. A messenger style, but mini.

Over the next year and a half Harry and his bag enjoyed many adventures together. In fact, they were almost inseparable.

They’ve gone to the beach, museums, mud larking, brunch, country walks, pubs, textile shows, New Zealand, France, Germany, Sweden, Italy. Pretty much everywhere that Harry went, the bright orange mini messenger went too.

Just before my trip home to NZ last year, I decided the best bag for the trip was a mini messenger of my own.

The day before I flew, a pink camo one was whipped up especially. And boy was it the best travel companion EVER!

Passport? It’s right here! Keys that I won’t need for months but don’t want to lose? Attached to this clip! Since when did airlines stop giving out enough food on long haul flights? Don’t worry, there’s room for SO MANY SNACKS!

We both loved our little bag pals so much; we thought you might love one too.

We had identified some things that we could improve and before I had even made it back from NZ the team were already hard at work tweaking the design.

During all those sleepless nights, did we think this is where our faulty mats would take us? Absolutely not, but it’s funny how things turn out. Life’s pretty neat, eh?

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